How to strengthen your relationship? How to fall without injury if you’re above 65? How to turn a Shakespeare sonnet into a rap song? How to practice rape escape with your boyfriend? On the Internet you can find experts on these and many other subjects.

OUR DAILY PERFORMANCE is inspired by YouTube tutorials: using materials from hundreds of videos, the authors B. Matijevic and G. Chico, together with five performers, propose original live user manuals for living in contemporary society.

Convinced that the social imaginary is driven by millions of anonymous users on the periphery of social media rather than by a minority of stars, the authors put in the spotlight amateur musicians, fitness enthusiasts and self-defense experts. 

Gathering around various practices, these users create virtual communities that weave shared stories revealing complex concerns about safety, physical health, success, group dynamics and romantic relationships. 

OUR DAILY PERFORMANCE  is based on sampling and mixing of this vast collection of gestures that makes up YouTube. Paced by moments of verbal explanations and practical demonstrations, these lessons on how to optimize our lives gradually turn into exuberant metaphors of survival, a pop celebration of our never-ending attempts to find safety and stability in the face of danger and uncertainty.


Concept, direction Giuseppe Chico et Barbara Matijevic
avec Camila Hernandez, Nicolas Maloufi, Marie Nédélec, Shihya Peng, Pietro Quadrino.
Text: Barbara Matijevic and Giuseppe Chico in collaboration with the performers 
Dramaturgy assistant : Julie Valéro
Sound and light design : Stéphane Leclercq
Production and promotion : Marion Gauvent
Administration and production : Dantès Pigeard

Production : Premier Stratagème

Coproduction : Rencontres chorégraphiques internationales de Seine-Saint-Denis • ICI-Centre Chorégraphique National Montpellier-Occitanie/direction Christian Rizzo • Le Pacifique, CDCN-Grenoble • L’avant-Scène Cognac, scène conventionnée danse • La Villette – Résidence d’artiste 2017 •  La Place de la Danse – CDCN Toulouse-Occitanie • MA scène nationale – Pays de Montbéliard • 

With the support of :  DRAC Ile-de-France • ARCADI • Fondation Beaumarchais-SACD • ADAMI • Nouveau théâtre de Montreuil • MC93 Bobigny • La Briqueterie CDCN du Val-de-Marne • Le Carreau du Temple-Paris •

Giuseppe Chico et Barbara Matijevic have been awarded a writing bursary from the Beaumarchais Fondation -SACD in January 2017


Photos: Matthieu Edet
