• Our Daily Performance – 13/02 – Théâtre Jean-Vilar, St.Quentin (Francia)
  • Our Daily Performance – 6-8/02 –  Pôle Sud, Strasbourg (Francia)
  • Our Daily Performance – 3/02 – L’Avant Seine, Colombes (Francia)


  • Screenagers Vol.2 – 21/11 – Belgrade, ASSITEJ Artistic Gathering (Serbia)
  • Screenagers Vol.2  25/10 – Rijeka, Croatian Cultural House (Croazia)
  • Forecasting 11/10 – Tranzit House, Cluj (Romania)
  • Screenagers Vol.2 – 18/09 – SKCNS_ Novi Sad (Serbia)
  • Our Daily Performance 5/09 –  Pondicherry (INDIA)
  • Our Daily Performance 2/09 – Chennai (INDIA)
  • Our Daily Performance 29/08 – Pune (INDIA)
  • Our Daily Performance 20-21/06  – CND _ Paris (Francia)
  • Forecasting (2 shows) 1/06 – Montemor o Novo (Portogallo)
  • Forecasting (2 shows) 18/05 – Veszprem (Ungheria)
  • Screenagers Vol.2 – 13-14/02 (4 shows) –  Lycée Jean-Baptiste Dumas d’Alès (Francia)
  • Screenagers Vol.2 – 18/01 – Théâtre Cinéma de Choisy-Le-Roi (Francia)


  • Screenagers Vol.2 – 30/11 – Festival Desiré Central Station, Subotica (Serbia)
  • Screenagers Vol.2 – 27/11 – CoFestival, Ljubljana (Slovenia)
  • Forecasting 10, 15, 17/11 – Mexico City,  Merida, Toluca – French Institute & Alliance Francaise (Messico)
  • Screenagers Vol.2 02/11 – French Institute & Toplocentrala, Sofia (Bulgaria)
  • Forecasting 11/10 – Théâtre Le Passage – Fecamp (Francia)
  • Forecasting 03/09 – Platform of Contemporary Dance – Maribor (Slovenia)
  • Our Daily Performance 8-26 – Festival OFF, Train Bleu – Avignon (Francia)
  • Forecasting 16/07 – Festival OFF, Train Bleu – Avignon (Francia)
  • Forecasting 27/05 – Festival Sola, Narodni Muzej -Belgrade (Serbia)
  • Forecasting 21-22/05 – Passages TransFestival – Esch-sur-Alzette (Francia-Lussemburgo)
  • Forecasting 1/04 (2 shows) CDA – Enghien-les-Bains (Francia)


  • Our Daily Performance 10/12 – CDA – Enghien-les-Bains (Francia)
  • Forecasting 22-23/10 – Teatro Municipal – Porto (Portogallo)
  • Forecasting 7-8-9/10 –  CND- Paris (Francia)
  • Forecasting 17-18/06 –  Moving in November – Helsinki (Finlandia)
  • Screenagers 17-18/05 – Atelier de Paris / Théâtre Berthelot Montreuil (Francia) CANCELLATO
  • Screenagers 10-11/03 – Avant Scène – Cognac (Francia) CANCELLATO
  • Forecasting 6-7/03 – CND – Paris (Francia) RINVIATO
  • Screenagers 9/02 (2 shows) – CDA Enghien les Bains (Francia) RINVIATO
  • Forecasting 12-13-14/01 – TNG – Lyon (Francia) CANCELLATO


  • Forecasting 6>11/12  – Mumbai, Chennai, Chandigarh (India) CANCELLATO
  • Screenagers 2-3-4/12  – Pôle Sud / TJP – Strasbourg (Francia) CANCELLATO
  • Screenagers 20/11  – Atheneum – Dijon (Francia)  CANCELLATO
  • Forecasting 19/11  – French Institute – Madrid (Spagna) CANCELLATO
  • Forecasting 11-12/11  – Moving in November – Helsinki (Finlandia) RINVIATO
  • Forecasting 7/11  – Act Festival – Bilbao (Spagna) 
  • Our Daily Performance 3-4/11  – Pôle Sud – Strasbourg (Francia) CANCELLATO
  • Forecasting 23-24/10  – Sardegna Teatro / Autunno Danza, Cagliari (Italia)
  • Forecasting 11>19/10 – French Institute (Messico) RINVIATO
  • Screenagers 5/09 – Taipei Arts Festival – Taipei (Taiwan) CANCELLATO
  • Forecasting 2-3/07 – Baltoscandal, Rakvere (Estonia) CANCELLATO
  • Screenagers 20/06 – June Events, Atelier de Paris, Paris (Francia)  RINVIATO
  • Forecasting 19/06 – Figura theaterfestival, Baden (Svizzera) CANCELLATO
  • Forecasting 4>11/04 – French Institute – Chandigarh/ /Chennai/Mumbai (India) RINVIATO
  • Screenagers 27/03  (2 shows) – Centre des Arts – Enghien les Bains (Francia) RINVIATO
  • Screenagers 10-11/03  – L’Hexagone, Meylan (Francia)
  • Screenagers 18-19/02 – Le Parvis, Tarbes (Francia)
  • Forecasting 14-16/02 – Yokohama Dance Collection / TPAM, Yokohama (Giappone)
  • Forecasting 9/02 – Imaginale, Mannheim (Germania)
  • Forecasting 7/02 – NSCD / Riley Theatre, Leeds (UK)
  • Screenagers 23/01 – CDCN, Toulouse (Francia)
  • ODP (extraits) 18/01 – Biennale Nemo/MAC, Créteil (Francia)
  • Screenagers 14/01 – Lux scène nationale, Valence (Francia)


  • Our Daily Performance 6-7/12 – Festival Next/La Rose des Vents, Villeneuve-d’Ascq (Francia)
  • Screenagers 3-4/12 – Festival Next/CDCN Le Gymnase, Roubaix (Francia)
  • Screenagers 29-30/11 – CDCN Atelier de Paris, Paris (Francia)
  • Forecasting 28/11 – Multifest, Quito (Ecuador)
  • Forecasting 22/11 – LUM, Lima (Perù)
  • Forecasting 8-9/11 – Norma Festival, Ostrava (Repubblica Ceca)
  • Forecasting 11-12/09 – Festival La Bâtie, Geneve (Svizzera)
  • Forecasting 1/08 – Joint Adventures, Munich (Germania)
  • Forecasting 27/06 – Venice Biennale, Venice (Italia)
  • Forecasting 19/06 -TANEC PRAHA, Olomuc (Repubblica Ceca)
  • Forecasting 17/06 – TANEC PRAHA, Brno (Repubblica Ceca)
  • Forecasting 15/06 – TANEC PRAHA, Pardubice (Repubblica Ceca)
  • Forecasting 12/06 – TANEC PRAHA, Prague (Repubblica Ceca)
  • Forecasting 10/06 – TANEC PRAHA, Tabor (Repubblica Ceca)
  • Our Daily Performance 4/06 – Dance Week Festival/Zkm, Zagreb (Croazia)
  • Forecasting 1-2/06 – Festival Figurentheater, Erlangen (Germania)
  • Forecasting  30/05 – Festival Figurentheater, Nurimberg (Germania)
  • Forecasting 23/05 – Festival INTERPLAY , Turin (Italia)
  • Forecasting 1/05 – Flatpack Film Festival/ Birmingham Dance Festival, Birmingham (UK)
  • Fear of God 18-19/04 – DancePark / Lieu Unique, Nantes (Francia)
  • Forecasting 4/04 – TanzMainz – Mainz (Germania)
  • Forecasting 2-3/04 – Extra Danse / Pôle Sud – TJP  – Strasbourg (Francia)
  • Our Daily Performance 26/03 – L’Avant-Scène Cognac (Francia)
  • Forecasting 19-20/03  Theatre Sevelin36/Printemps de Sevelin – Lausanne (Svizzera)
  • Forecasting 28/02 The Place – London (UK)
  • Forecasting  21/02 Maison des Métallos – Paris (Francia)
  • Forecasting  15/02 Maison des Métallos – Paris (Francia)
  • Forecasting  1/02 Maison des Métallos – Paris (Francia)
  • Forecasting 19-20/01  Tanzhaus Nrw – Dusseldorf (Germania)
  • Forecasting 18/01  Stuttgarter film winter festival – Stuttgart (Germania)
  • Our Daily Performance 15-16/01 – Hexagone Scene Nationale – Meylan (Francia)
  • Our Daily Performance 10/01 – MA Scene Nationale – Montbéliard (Francia)
  • Forecasting 08/01 – MA Scene Nationale – Montbéliard (Francia)


  • Forecasting 9/11 Light Moves Festival of Screendance – Limerick (Irlanda)
  • Forecasting 6/11 BTK Festival – St Petersburg (Russia)
  • Forecasting 3-4/11  New Vision Arts Festival – Hong Kong (Cina)
  • Forecasting 12/10  Festival C’est comme ça! / CDC L’échangeur, Château-Thierry (Francia)
  • Forecasting 6/10 Dance House – Lemesos (Cipro)
  • Forecasting 27/09 Les Plateaux / CDC La Briqueterie, Ivry-sur-Seine (Francia)
  • Forecasting 5/09  SCCNS/Tanz Platz – Novi Sad ( Serbia)
  • Forecasting 8/09 Norrlandsoperan – Umea ( Svezia)
  • Forecasting 18/06 Liangzhu Center of Arts – Hangzhou (Cina)
  • Forecasting 16/06 Sea World Culture & Art Center – Shenzhen (Cina)
  • Forecasting 15/06 Red Brick Museum – Beijing (Cina)
  • Our daily Performance 1-2/06 Rencontres Internationales Seine St-Denis – Mc93 , Bobigny (Francia)
  • Forecasting 24/03 Spring Forward Aerowaves – Sofia ( Bulgaria)
  • Forecasting 12/03  Par ICI – CCN Montpellier (Francia)
  • I’ve never done this before 2-3-4/03 –  Festival TIFA – Taichung National Theater – Taichung ( Taiwan )
  • Forecasting 13-14/02 Bora Bora – Aarhus (Danimarca)
  • Forecasting 1/02  Experimenta – CDC Pacifique – Grenoble (Francia)


  • Forecasting 06/10 Jardins Synthétiques Festival – Toulouse (Francia)
  • Forecasting 22/9 Parcours tout court Festival – Lorient (Francia)
  • Forecasting 19/9 CoFestival – Ljubljana ( Slovenia )
  • I’ve never done this before 23/5 Figurentheaterfestival – Erlangen ( Germania )
  • Forecasting 26/5 Teszt Festival – Timisoara ( Romania )
  • I’ve never done this before 4-6/04 – Etrange Cargo Menagerie de Verre – Paris (Francia)


  • Forecasting 6/10 Mess Festival – Sarajevo ( Bosnia -Herzegovina )
  • I’ve never done this before 18-21/08 Noorderzon Festival – Groningen ( Olanda )
  • I’ve never done this before 28/02 Museum of Contemporary Art – Zagreb ( Croazia )


  • Forecasting 28/11 Festival Temps d’Images – Lisbon ( Portogallo )
  • Forecasting 12-13/11 – Panorama Festival – Rio de Janeiro ( Brasile )
  • I’ve never done this before 6-8/11 New Settings Theatre de la Cité, Paris ( Francia )
  • I’ve never done this before 29-30/01 – Kaaitheater – Bruxelles ( Belgio )


  • Forecasting 29-30/11 Fast Forward – Staatstheater Braunschweig ( Germany )
  • Forecasting 12/10 Da:ns Festival – Esplanade ( Republic of Singapore )
  • Forecasting 28/06 Festival Belluard Bollwerk International – Fribourg ( Suisse )
  • Forecasting 13/06 Festival Enter – Padoue ( Italy )
  • I AM 1984 9 and 11/05 YO! Fest Strasbourg ( France )
  • Forecasting 16-18/04 Festival Ring – Nancy ( France )


  • Forecasting 25-26/11 Festival Novart – Bordeaux ( France )
  • Forecasting 8-9/11 euro-scene Leipzig – Leipzig ( Germany )
  • 1989 4th Athens Biennale 2013 – AGORA ( Greece )
  • 1989 Grand Prix Nova Festival 2013 – Bucharest ( Romania )
  • Forecasting 19-21/08 Festival Noorderzon – Groningen ( Netherlands )
  • Forecasting 13/07 Foreign Affairs – Berliner Festspiele, Berlin ( Germany )
  • I AM 1984 23/06 Mmc Luka, Pula ( Croatia )
  • Forecasting 25-26/05 Waouh Festival – Le Manege, Reims ( France )
  • Forecasting 28/04 Platforme – Tala, Zagreb ( Croazia )
  • I AM 1984 19/04 Experienz#2 – Wiels, Bruxelles ( Belgium )
  • Forecasting 28/03 The Basement, Brighton ( UK )
  • Forecasting 28/02 Hors Saison– Arcadi, Theatre de la Cité, Paris ( France )
  • Forecasting 08/02 Actions#4, Atheneum, Dijon ( France )


  • Forecasting 20/11 Kaaitheater, Bruxelles ( Belgium )
  • Forecasting 4-5/10 Contemporanea Festival, Magnolfi, Prato ( Italy )
  • Forecasting 26-29/09 Festival d’Automne, Menagerie de Verre, Paris ( France )
  • Forecasting 13/09 (2 shows) Terni Festival, Caos, Terni ( Italy )
  • Forecasting 29/03 360° Festival , La Passerelle, St.Brieuc ( France )
  • Forecasting 24/03 UOVO Festival, Teatro Franco Parenti, Milan ( Italy )
  • I AM 1984 26/02 Ri-creazione Festival, Asti ( Italy )
  • Forecasting 4/ 02 Cabaret de curiosités#7 Festival, Scène nationale du Phénix, Valenciennes ( France )
  • TRACKS 3/02 Cabaret de curiosités#7 Festival, Scène nationale du Phénix, Valenciennes ( France )
  • I AM 1984 2 /02 Cabaret de curiosités#7 Festival, Phénix, Valenciennes ( France )
  • I AM 1984 28/01 Teatro delle Briciole, Parme ( Italy )
  • I AM 1984 27/01 Teatro Aurora, Marghera-Venice ( Italy )


  • SPEECH 17/12 Powers of Speech Festival, Pact Zollverein, Essen ( Germany )
  • SPEECH 9-10/12 Spoken World Festival, Kaaitheater, Brussels ( Belgium )
  • Forecasting 1/10 TanzQuartier, Vienne ( Austria )
  • I AM 1984 3/ 09 OperaEstate Festival, Bassano del Grappa ( Italy )
  • TRACKS 22/07 Festival d’Avignon – 25e Heure, Avignon ( France )
  • Forecasting 21-22/07 Festival d’Avignon – 25e Heure, Avignon ( France )
  • I AM 1984 27-28/ 05 A/D Werf Festival, Utrecht ( Netherlands )
  • I AM 1984 16-17/04 B :om Festival, Seul ( South Korea )
  • TRACKS 30/03 360° Festival, La Passerelle, St.Brieuc ( France )
  • I AM 1984 19/03 Teatro La Piccionaia, Vicenza ( Italy )
  • Forecasting 5/03 Performatik Festival, Kaaitheater / Bruxelles ( Belgium )
  • TRACKS 4/03 Performatik Festival, Kaaitheatre / Bruxelles ( Belgium )
  • I AM 1984 2/03 Performatik Festival, Kaaitheater , Bruxelles ( Belgium )


  • I AM 1984 18/12 Reims Scène d’Europe, Frac Champagne-Ardenne, Reims ( France )
  • I AM 1984 17/09 Kunstraum Niederrostereich, Vienne ( Austria )
  • I AM 1984 3/09 Castel dei Mondi Festival, Andria ( Italy )
  • I AM 1984 25/05 Contemporanea Festival, Prato ( Italy )
  • I AM 1984 15-17/04 Museé d’art Contemporain, Zagreb ( Croatia )
  • I AM 1984 30-31/03 Etrange Cargo Festival, Menagerie de Verre, Paris ( France )
  • I AM 1984 26/03 360° Festival, St.Brieuc ( France )
  • TRACKS 20-21/03 UOVO Festival, Triennale / Milan ( Italy )
  • I AM 1984 19/03 UOVO Festival, La Triennale / Milano ( Italy )
  • I AM 1984 13/03 Actions#1, Atheneum, Dijon ( France )
  • TRACKS 25-27/02 Museé d’art Contemporain, Zagreb ( Croatia )
  • TRACKS 18-20/02 Museé d’art Contemporain, Zagreb ( Croatia )


  • I AM 1984 27/11 iLive3 Festival, LIFE, St-Nazaire ( France )
  • TRACKS 27/11 iLive3 Festival, LIFE, St-Nazaire ( France )
  • TRACKS 20/11 Nouveau Festival, Centre Pompidou, Paris ( France )
  • I AM 1984 24/10 Meteor Festival, BIT Teatergarasjen, Bergen ( Norway )
  • I AM 1984 16-17/10 Vie Festival, Emilia Romagna Teatro, Modena ( Italy )
  • TRACKS 8-9/10 Spoken world Festival, Kaaitheater, Bruxelles ( Belgium )
  • I AM 1984 3/10 Spokenworld Festival, Kaaitheater, Bruxelles ( Belgium )
  • I AM 1984 20-22/08 Far Festival, Nyon ( Switzerland )
  • I AM 1984 11/03 iLive2 Festival, LIFE, St-Nazaire ( France )
  • I AM 1984 05/03 Living Room, Spazio Raum, Bologna ( Italy )


  • I AM 1984 14/11 Kranjcar Gallery, Zagreb ( Croatia )
  • I AM 1984 31/10 Musée du Jeu de Paume, Paris ( France )
  • I AM 1984 26/07 Art Workshop Lazareti, Dubrovnik ( Croatia )
  • I AM 1984 28/06 Infant Festival, Novi Sad ( Serbia )
  • I AM 1984 17/05 Barutana, Osijek ( Croatia )
  • I AM 1984 7-11/03 ZeKaeM, Zagreb ( Croatia )